Friday, March 31, 2006

Paul Verlaine's 162nd Birthday


Yesterday was Paul Verlaine's 162nd birthday, but strangely enough, he doesn't look a day over 30. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAUL VERLAINE! I also received an e-mail from Gerry Harrison, the councillor in Camden that is co-ordinating the campaign to save 8 Royal College street. The owner, Royal Veterinary College, has given their permission for him to screen those interested in buying 6, 8, and 10 Royal College street, to make sure that they will not demolish the buildings, and, that they will be used for academic purposes, meaning that they will restore the buildings to commemorate Rimbaud and Verlaine's brief but important habituation there, but, the owner has only given that permission until the end of July. So the goal of such a campaign is to find a suitable buyer before then.

I continue to hold out hope that if such a buyer cannot be found before then, that the prominent individuals involved in such a campaign will choose to pool together their resources, and purchase those properties themselves.


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